+63 955 986 6225 | +63 975 966 0816
Your Journey
Get matched with a therapist
Receive consistent treatment from a physical therapist specialized in your condition at each appointment.
Book at Your
Best Time
Your therapist will deliver in-person physical therapy at our clinic, ensuring your care is safe, convenient, and effective.
Heal faster with
In between sessions, your therapist will prescribe personalized home exercises, complete with video instructions and progress monitoring through Rehab My Patient.
Use Insurance or Pay a flat fee
No matter how you pay for treatment, you will receive quality care.
Most insurance plans typically cover the full cost of up to 12 PT sessions. You'll pay NOTHING to Move Physio.
Being a member of Move Physio means your membership package can include a coverage for 20-30 sessions, with a maximum session coverage of up to 150k.
You won’t be charged until after your visit is completed.
We believe in offering you the best in physical therapy. That's why we're excited to introduce our exclusive membership program designed to take your experience to the next level!
More Sessions Covered
Modality Coverage Included
No waiting time for approvals
Special Cases Covered
Can be shared to friends and love ones